As a registered 501(c)(3) organization, the mission of the Women’s Rabbinic Network is to…
Support our members through ongoing education, pastoral care, outreach, mentoring, and networking.
Advocate on behalf of our members by being a collective voice to the CCAR, Union for Reform Judaism (URJ), and Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion (HUC-JIR) and to the public. We are also a voice for social justice with a unique lens, and an advocate for systemic change.
Provide opportunities for gathering at conventions and regional events, and through conference calls, webinars, and other technologically-based methods.
Provide information to and about our membership, through regular communications such as monthly e-blasts, our own website, Facebook, and other social media.
Promote leadership of women individuals in the administration and on the faculty of the HUC-JIR, and in the leadership of the CCAR and URJ.
Promote scholarship, social justice initiatives, and educational resources on Jewish feminist issues and other issues related to Jewish women.
With clarity of purpose, we will efficiently and effectively:
Advocate regarding women’s issues in the rabbinate and issues of gender and power.
Care by supporting one another during the ages and stages of our lives and by growing healthy relationships within the organization.
Communicate in ways that are (a) direct, frequent, regular, clear, and user-friendly, (b) help members understand our mission and purpose, and (c) recognize members’ achievements and the ages and stages of our lives.
Build Community by gathering, learning, and sharing best practices, planning and running conventions, conducting gatherings on a variety of topics for members, and empowering our entire membership to initiate and run programs.
Lead and Govern as wepopulate ourboard and launch their work.
Women’s Rabbinic Network | 355 Lexington Avenue, 8th Floor | New York, NY 10017